The program of the journey is still in progress… but it promises to be a celebration for everyone who has a connection with Mary Magdalene in some way.

Last year I was at the Mary Magdalene days in Glastonbury. This was around her name day. Being in Glastonbury with its magical energy always makes me so happy but this time it was extra special because there were so many Mary Magdalene acquaintances and soul sisters from all over the world. It was so special for me to notice that we are currently working with so many Magdalenes to regain the Light in ourselves and the world. To experience and shine our Divinity. And to shine more and more powerfully! I saw beautiful embodied power women strolling through the streets. WOW. This made my heart jump open. I felt so much connection and hope for humanity and the world. We’re doing it together!!! We are changing the world. You can’t make me happier. For years I have talked about love being the greatest force and now I was an eyewitness to this.

With great respect, I honor all the women who have had the courage to follow their soul path. So now let’s enjoy where we are now and celebrate Mary Magdalene within ourselves during these Mary Magdalene holidays in Glastonbury.

My wish for you is all of the above experiences of loving sisterhood and hope, and I have decided to organize a trip to Glastonbury after a long time. This time a Mary Magdalene Retreat for everyone who feels a connection in some way with Mary Magdalene. We will be arriving at that fantastic period around her name day and I have already found a lovely home for us in the center of the village, where we can be together as Magdalenes and celebrate life.

The Mary Magdalene Retreat is therefore for women from all over the world who want to feel, embody and celebrate life in lightness and in unconditional Love. Let’s have FUN and let’s live in lightness. But… everything can be there of course and certainly YOU. Almost everything, I should say.

You are free to do whatever you want, but we have a few house rules:

***Be authentic

***Own your own story (stories)

***Share your truth

***Be helpfull in service &


You can go to all the sacred sites that Glastonbury has to offer… the Tor, Chalice Well, the Mary Magdalene Church, The Abbey, The Goddess Temple, Wearyall Hill, The White Spring and to Avebury and Stonehenge, the Michael & Mary ley lines, the Dragon eggs, ect.

And Glastonbury has very nice shops and vegetarian restaurants! Leonie Alleman lives close to Glastonbury and will show us the best places. Together we organize this retreat / celebration!

The deep soul desire to live your Goddess (Divinity) also allows people to travel to ancient Sanctuaries and sacred sites. It is when we come to vortexes, portals and other pure places that still reflect something of ancient Initiation pathways, that we feel the energetic support of the connections between Heaven & Earth.



Even though the trip is not quite finished yet, you can already register for this Mary Magdalene Retreat in the making. As soon as there is more information, I will send it to you. I’m already looking forward to it. Are you?

Target price is 1295,- .
Breakfast, lunch and dinner
Accommodation: a typical Glastonbury villa
Double or triple room
Transportation to the power places Avebury and Stonehenge
Energetic guidance to and at the power places
Goddess ritual in White Spring by Leonie Alleman
Initiation in Chalice Well by Anne Asbreuk
Mary Magdalene Light Circle

You will have to book your own plane ticket to Bristol
and arrange your transportation to Glastonbury.

We are flying with Easyjet

Target price : 100 euros

Sign me up!